Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Sometimes, instead of doing something productive, I go on the Barnes and Noble website and look at books, for who knows how long.

I know, that probably isn't a normal teenage activity, but I really don't care, I love it.

Something about looking at a books cover, and reading its synopsis makes me happy.

I even keep a list of all the books I plan to read. There are probably too many on there for my own good. Lately, I think I only want to read classics and non-fiction books. Something about them just catches my eye.

The bad thing? I don't have enough money to buy all the books that I feel like I need. I have a twenty five dollar gift card from Christmas that I can't bring myself to spend because I am worried that the second I spend it, I will find something new that I need. So i just let it sit in my room, dreaming of what I could do with it.

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