Wednesday, April 18, 2012

All roads lead to friends

Sometimes, as I am going throughout my day, everything reminds me of friends...

  • In world history we sometimes talk about Yemen. I used to think it was a fake country that chandler made up to avoid Janice... sometimes I still feel like it should be a fake country. 
  • Also in world history we talk about the Great White Fleet and Colonel Matthew Perry. Obviously when I hear that name I think of Chandler.
  • When I use a popular search engine, once again, all I can think of is Chandler Bing.
  • Every time I open my freezer, I remember the time I was reading Little Women, and I put the book in my freezer when Beth was dying. Because that is what Joey had to do.
  • Cammie used to be Princess Consuela Banana Hammock in my phone. Now that she isn't anymore, I get a little bit sad every time I text her. I should probably change it back.
So yeah. All this in one day, and I haven't even watched the show in who knows how many months. I miss it.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Why will tomorrow be the best day ever?
Because I don't have to work.
After this week, I never want to step foot in Macey's again.
Too bad I have about 3 months until I can quit.
That day will actually be the best day ever.