Saturday, April 30, 2011

Who needs Prom, when you have PROM

Since for some inexplicable reason, me and the majority of my friends, were not asked to participate in prom, we decided to see Prom on prom night. We did this mainly for the irony, as opposed to an actual desire to see the movie.

But after seeing it, it is probably one of my new favorite movies. They really should have advertised it as a comedy, because I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard in a movie. The "cheese" level was right on point, and it was just fantastic.

I almost feel sorry for those who went to prom, in a pretty dress, with a handsome date by your side, because you probably didn't laugh as hard as I did. I almost feel sorry for you, but not quite.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blood Drive

I gave blood today. Big accomplishment for me. I hate needles. My mom said that I wouldn't go through with it, but I proved her wrong. And what an experience it was.

It took them the full twenty minutes (plus a few extra) to get the amount needed, and they still almost didn't get enough. I would have been so upset if I sat through al that for nothing.

The people were really nice. Jake and Rachel both took my blood. That is right, I needed two people, not just one. They told me my vein was high-matainence, I do not doubt that. Rachel had to sit there and hold the needle in place for the whole time, minus five or so minutes.

Luckily I didn't feel too faint. I felt a bit funny for the rest of school, and still do in fact, but at least I didn't pass out. I know some people that did.

Plus I saved, not one, not two, but three lives. I feel good about that. The only disappointing thing was that they didn't hand out shirts this time. Instead they handed out keychains. Which I lost, so all I have to show for it is a small mark on my left arm.

I will probably be donating again.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Lately I have been feeling like my life is even more uneventful than usual. All I do is go to school, come home, and either watch TV or read a book.

There are no excititng stories to tell.

No amusing anecdotes.

There is no prom to be going to, unless you count the movie that me, and my non-asked friends are going to see, while thouse who were asked are dancing the night away in pretty dresses. I am really not even disappointed that I am not going, I am totally okay with it actually, but if I was going, I might have something other than the three things previously mentioned to look forward to.

I have four F's right now. And a C, and even a C+. My grades aren't crap because I am stupid, but because I have no desire to talk to teachers who really aren't that interested in talking to me. Instead I will turn things in by degree, hoping that those F's and C's will slowly go up to the A's I have grown to expect.

My AP history test is next Friday. How will I do? I would not be too surprised if I failed. I thought I knew stuff, but when I take practice tests, it turns out that I really don't know anything. I could study, but that would mean reading a dry review book, that is full of words that will probably go in one ear and out the other. But I should probably at least start trying. Maybe if I do that, I can somehow manage to scrape a 3. Which is passing.

I really like to watch Who Wants To Be A Millionare, because sometimes they ask questions about history, and I know the answers because we make fun of people and pictures in Newman's class. You learn life long lessons in that class.

This upcoming month will be a good month for plays. Thursday I am seeing Beauty and the Beast, a girl in my ward is the star, go Addy! Next Tuesday I am seeing Sunset Boulevard at the Pioneer Theater, the week after that, I am seeing Children of Eden at the high school. Then a few weeks after that, Les Mis at the Capitol Theater. I love plays, especially musicals. I wish my life could always be like this month.

I can't find my phone. I don't like this feeling. I wouldn't even say I am super attached to my phone, mean, I love it, but I am not one who cannot live without it. But I am freaking out. What if there is an important message. How would I know? I am hoping that it will just show up, but with my luck, it probably won't. 

Well I have no more ramblings left, and if you read this, you probably feel cheated out of five to ten minutes of your life. Sorry, but you will never get them back, hope you don't need those minutes in the future.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me...

It started off pretty rocky, but I guess in the end it wasn't total a waste of a day. Thank you Lindsey for making me leave my house. I appreciate it. And thank you to everyone who brought me stuff even though I was a bit of a brat, and probably didn't deserve anything.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I can't wait!

Thankfully, tomorrow I get to see all the wonderful people I went to EFY with.
I am going through withdrawls.
Most people say they will keep in touch with EFY friends.
We actually do.
This is what, our fith party?
With the first one being three days after we left.
Lets take a trip down memory lane...

Carson, Me, Tay-Tay, Erin, and Alex

See this blankets we are under, we tied it.

We are best friends.

Our entire company fit onto one couch.

Us doing our signs. All we did was play that game. Not even a joke.

Our counselors are probably the funnies people to ever walk the earth.

Suffice it to say, I am really excited to see some of them again, because they are some of the best people I have ever met.
And I love them all.

(I would kiss him for his hyperbola notes)
That was for you Erin Lou.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Way to Be!

If you have never read this, I suggest you do.
There are so many lessons contained within 125 pages.
Lessons like this:
"With whom is the Lord displeased? Those who are not grateful
for all that they have, and all that they are".
Really, read it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What was I thinking?

Today I signed up for the blood drive...

I hate needles.
Last time I got a shot I cried my eyes out and begged them not to do it.
A few years before that, I actually ran out of the room to avoid a prick of the needle.
Yeah, I know.
Once when a nurse was taking my blood, I threw up on her.
It was totally her fault.
She should not have dug around in my arm.
You do that, you get puked on.
Plus I have small veins.
Once a doctor had to feel around for half an hour before he could stick me.
But at least he only had to do it once.

So why you ask, am I willing signing up to do something that will cause me much anxiety and paing?
The answer is simple, because I can.
The blood drive is next Wednesday, my birthday is this Saturday.
And since the only new thing you can do at the ripe age of 17, is give blood, I might as well take advantage of my upcoming age, and save lives.
I guess at 17 you can buy tickets for rated R movies, but since I am a good LDS girl, I won't be doing that... so giving blood really is the only option.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Well there goes my plan.

MATC; he thing I have been planning on doing since the end of 9th grade? Turns out that is not going to happen.

Here is to rolling with whatever life throws at you, and learning to cope.

Hopefully I can do that.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I just may start crying...

For many months now, since about November, I have been looking forward to one thing. The premiere of the second part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Today all my hope was squashed right out of me. My ward decided to have our girls camp on the week it comes out. Most of my ward is outraged, but since the leaders have work and what not, they get to decide.

So me, Haley, Jennie, and Erin are gonna go the second we get back. Forget about showering, or changing clothes, or looking cute, we would rather watch Harry Potter, and honestly, who wouldn't?

Friday, April 15, 2011

We like chalk, and Zupas.

Today I played with chalk. Not once, but twice. It was marvelous. I can now confidently say that my summer will be full of chalk. Thankfully I have friends that love childish activities as much as I do.

I also ate Zupas. It was clearly delicious, how could it not be? Lucky for me I get it two more times in the near future. One for my birthday, and one as a payoff for winning a bet. Thank you Cam for failing the History test worse than I did. It takes a special kind of person to do that.

It was a good day, full of kid-like activities, the kind of day that everyone needs once in a while.

Monday, April 4, 2011

It's a world of laughter, a world of cheer.


Yesterday I went on Small World
All I could think about was all the dolls coming alive and trying to kill me.
Thank you Ridley Pearson and the Kingdom Keepers
for giving me anxiety
about the least threatening ride in all of Disneyland.
I really appreciate it.

The life...

Today I layed out by the pool in 80 degree weather.
It was wonderful.