Friday, October 28, 2011

The Dream Team.

Picture this:
In New York.
In a cab.
Not just any cab. The Cash Cab.
We would be rich.
This is my new dream, and it will happen one day.
I will make sure of it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

food for thought

Book club is tomorrow. I am making a concious choice not to finish my book.
I like it when people call me Ken, it makes me feel cool. Too bad no one ever calls me that.
Sadies, to go or not to go?
I feel like I am constantly sick. It is really fun.
Sarcasm is my best friend. It is always with me.
Is it bad that I really like Calculus? I hope not, because I do. Call me a nerd. It wouldn't be too far from the truth.
I am really sick of school. Can I just graduate already?
I am ready for college. Me and Ky are going to have so much fun.
Do I want a nook/kindle for Christmas? It would be nice, but there is nothing I love more than the smell of new books, or old books that are new to me, or any books really.
Sometimes I stay up way too late, so I have to take a nap, then I stay up way too late again, so I have to take a nap again the next day. It is a vicious cycle and i don't know how to break it.
I think it is time for my yearly reading of Fire of the Convenant. That book is perfection. Read it if you haven't. Then maybe we can have yearly readings together.
I wish I had a different job. I love the people I work with, but the job is monotonous. Too bad it will probably never happen until I leave P.G.
The only jewlery I like are pearl(like) earrings, and handmade bracelets. Oh and obviously my CTR ring. But that doesn't count, that is basically a part of me.
I wish my life was more interesting. I wish there was a boy. Not a boyfriend. Just a boy. Life is more fun when there is a boy. It makes you want to get ready in the morning, and actually look cute. Too bad there is no boy. I will jsut continue to not try, until on the off chance a boy does come along.
Money would be nice.
I am ready for Christmas. Sometimes I sing and play Christmas songs in the middle of October. Okay, not sometimes, always.
I would be happier if life was a musical.
I like blogs. Not because I like blogging, but because I like stalking.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


1. My favorite thing about myself is that I can wear little kid shoes.
2. If I were to smell Amortencia (which for those of you who don't know, is the strongest love potion in all of Harry Potter) it would smell of new books, grass, cement after it rains, and the laundry detergent aisle in the grocery store.
3. If you couldn't tell from #2, me and the magical world of Harry Potter are intimate aquantainces. I may have read the books at least six or seven times each. I re-read them once a year.
4. I am a perfectionist. I think I have slight O.C.D. Not with things like a clean room, but with everything else. It is a problem.
5. My future house will have a room dedicated to books. Wall to wall bookshelves, filled with every kind of books imaginable. It will my safe haven.
6. I get annoyed really easily. It probably has something to do with the fact that my period controls my emotion for at least two and a half weeks per month. You learn to deal with it.
7. I don't really like to sensor the things I say. I would rather say what is on my mind when it is on it, and deal with the repercussions later, then to not say something that I wanted to. Sometimes it gets me into trouble, but that's just me.

I will let you know who I will tag sometime in the future. I don't feel like figuring that out now.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Time for a new day

It has been one of those days. The kind where nothiong goes right, and there seems to be nothing I can do about it. All I want to do is sleep, but sleep is not possible. Stress has taken over sleep.

I have to teach a lesson in church tomorrow. When did I find out about it? Today. So it is safe to say that it will suck. There will be nothing of real worth in it. I will be reading straight from the manual. Maybe I will become deathly sick so that i can't give it. Possibly.

I am ready for today to be done. Bring on tomorrow. Actually, bring on Monday. I would rather go to school than to church. Terrible, I know, but true.