Tuesday, September 25, 2012

After a week of drama and crying and being unhappy and wondering what was coming next, things have finally resolved themselves, and I have never been more grateful! Things will still take some time to be completely perfect again, but they will get there, and hopefully be better than before!

I am just thankful that my roommates have been having as crappy of a week as I have, and that we can complain to each other, and cry for each others problems. Heavenly Father knew what he was doing putting me with these people.

College is hard and so is keeping up relationships with people who are hours away. But if those friendships and loves are meant to be, things will always work out, no matter how much crap you have to go through in order to have those things work. That was the number one lesson learned in Eccles C304 this week, but I think it was a lesson that we all needed to learn.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

happiness tip #3

Find your hidden talents. Mine is changing the lyrics to 'that's what makes you beautiful' to fit any situation I may find myself in.

happiness tip #2

When playing M.A.S.H. make sure to include a section for love life, it never fails to get a laugh.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

happiness tip #1

When you are wearing a superhero shirt, nothing can get you down, and no one can touch you.

Monday, September 17, 2012

just another manic monday

When I woke up this morning, I thought it would be just another Monday. I assumed I would wake up, groggier than normal, but still able to function. I assumed that I would go to my two classes and learn something so that I could become just a little bit smarter. I assumed that I would laugh with my roommates over stupid things, because that is just what we do. I assumed that I would text him all day and that everything would be great. I assumed that I would be experiencing just another Monday.

Instead I woke up this morning, groggier than usual, and not quite able to function. I went to my two classes but learned next to nothing, because I just wasn't in the mood to become smarter. I didn't laugh with my roommates because I have shut myself in my room the entire day, because I am not fit for human interaction. I watched Boy Meets World all day with my blanket covering both me and my laptop so that if someone walked into my room, I wouldn't have to see them and therefore talk to them. I did text him, but it didn't make everything great. When I woke up this morning, I didn't think I would be about to go a week or so without talking to my best friend.

 But it is okay. I have faith that things are happening for a reason, and that if I can push through these days when I don't want to move or get out of bed for whatever reason it may be, I will be happy in the end. I know that everyone has days like this and that I am not the only one. So I am going to stop feeling sorry for myself, because really, I have it pretty dang good. I am going to try to not let things bother me, and to learn to make the most out of every day I am given, because whether or not I choose to see it, there is something good in every day I live.

from the mouth of a registered dietitian

"Diarrhea is icky."

I am so glad I am paying for a college education.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Living with girls

Sometimes when you live in an apartment full of girls, you get frustrated because other girls aren't as 'whatever' about their appearance as you are. Sometimes you say you are going to leave between 5:30 and 5:40 for the football game and your roommate doesn't get in shower until 5:30 and then doesn't get out until 6:00. Sometimes the football game starts at 6:00 and you are still sitting at your computer writing a worthless blog post because your roommate still isn't done doing her hair, let alone getting started on her make up. Sometimes you want to start a revolution of girls who wear T-shirts and pony tails and minimal make up every day, because that means no being late to things. Sometimes it sucks living with girls.

On the upside...

Sometimes when you live in an apartment full of girls you stay up til 2:00 in the morning laughing about nothing, and freaking out when a boy has to sleep in your apartment because his roommate locked him out of his room.Sometimes you and your roommates sing Les Mis in hushed voices while you are making breakfast because there is a boy on the couch who you don't want to wake up. Sometimes you spend all day cleaning your apartment for the first time in three weeks, and then you feel so good about yourself and where you live.  Sometimes it isn't too terrible living with girls.

Friday, September 14, 2012

I swear I set my alarm...

Today I only had one class to go to. Nutrition; starting at 8:00 am ending at 8:50 am. And then my day was mine to do with what I wanted. Sounds easy right?
Nope. Somehow I managed to sleep through my alarm, and I didn't wake up 'til 9:45. I failed at the one thing I had to do today.
I am a pathetic excuse for a student!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Main Street

Today I found a cute little coffee shop that is attached to a used bookstore. It is safe to say that I really love it. I just want to sit in there always and drink coffee, even though I don't drink coffee. Although I do enjoy the occasional frappe...but I pretend that those don't have coffee in them. College is making me turn heathen. But if it is tasting that good, I almost don't care.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Lord Knows Me

I got my patriarchal blessing today, and it was honestly one of the most amazing experiences of my life! There were no jaw-dropping revelations, but everything in it was something that I needed to hear. It reaffirmed that what I am doing in my life is the right path for me, which is something that I really needed to know. I am so grateful for this gospel, and for the knowledge that my Heavenly Father knows me personally and love me, and that I am special to Him.


You know those cars? The ones who go 10 to 20 mph slower than the recommended speed limit? That every single car passes, and even the occasional semi-truck can't even stand to be behind?
Today that was me. I hated myself. But when your car is going to heat unless you keep the speed between 55 and 70 miles per hour, what are you gonna do?

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Yesterday he drove 169 miles to see me. It was wonderful.
I spend the majority of my time watching Boy Meets World on youtube.
That is all I want to do right now, but the internet connection here sucks.
That is one thing I don't miss about our apartment in PG...the crappy internet service.
I am back in Pleasant Grove for the weekend.
Not sure how i feel about it.
It is good to be back, but my family isn't even here.
They don't come home from camping until tomorrow.
Tomorrow I am getting my patriarchal blessing.
It is about time.
I have procrastinated it for so long.
But no longer.
I need guidance in my life.
Sometimes I feel like I am walking with a blind fold on.
Hopefully tomorrow will help.
I miss people.
Mostly my friends.
I don't talk to them much any more.
Mainly I just talk to Cam and Ryan.
Because they are the only ones who consistently text me back.
That's okay though, everyone is busy with school.
Not me.
I basically have no school.
College  is easier than high school.
I don't do homework.
Mostly because I don't have any.
So instead I spend my time watching Boy Meets World.
I wish I had a time turner.
So it could be yesterday again.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

One Day More

I love you
You're only a day

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Who needs porn when you have pictures of Matt Bomer!?" -Barbara Ryther

So true Barbara, so true.