Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 16: I am grateful that the guy at the drive through window at Cafe Rio recognizes me and other Kendall now.

Day 17: I am grateful for Cammie and the fact that I helped protect her from her stalker.

Day 18: I am grateful for walks outside.

Day 19: I am grateful that I slept through nutrition.

Day 20: I am grateful that I am done with class for the week.

Day 21: I am grateful that Ryan is so good with a crying me.

Day 22: I am grateful for FOOD, and my dad's side of the family.

Day 23: I am grateful for family game nights with my mom's family.

Day 24: I am grateful for the Bond family letting me join them for a movie and another Thanksgiving.

Day 25: I am grateful (mostly) to be back in my own apartment.

Day 26: I am grateful that my stupid quilt is almost mostly done.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 10: I am grateful that I was able to clean our apartment and that it was able to stay clean for a whole day.

Day 11: I am grateful for this gospel and going to church and for Sunday dinner with my married couple "friends".

Day 12: I am grateful for a new hobby that keeps my time occupied at last.

Day 13: I am grateful for a friend who will kidnap me after my class and take me shooting and not get mad when her gun breaks while I am using it. *

Day 14: I am grateful for phone calls with two of my best friends.

Day 15: I am grateful for my friends from Spanish for making Spanish not so terrible and for the fact that we are all taking it together next semester.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 9: I am grateful for a roommate who knows the words to EVITA as well as I do, and is able to sing every word with me, without the help of the music.

I am also grateful for other Kendall and the fact that she is going to Argentina on her mission!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A weeks worth of gratitude

Day 1: I am grateful for Halloween trip to St. George and 'Korean' kids who say I am hysterical (hilarious).

Day 2: I am grateful for friendships that can withstand ANYTHING.

Day 3: I am grateful for the knowledge that everything happens for a reason, even though I may not understand that reason right away.

Day 4: I am grateful for lazy days and good conversations.

Day 5: I am grateful for those people who make me feel like a part of their family even though I am not.

Day 6: I am grateful for comforting conversations with a priesthood holder.

Day 7: I am grateful for roommates who let me borrow their clothes so that I can look good for a potentially confusing situation.