Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Because I have nothing better to write about.

1: you must post the rules.
2: post 12 fun facts about yourself in the blog post.
3: answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4: tag 12 people and link them on your post.
5: let them know you've tagged them

12 facts:
1. My favorite type of music are musicals, I don't really know why, but they are usually all I want to listen to.
2. I was born in Hawaii.
3. I secretly love math.
4. Lately I have had an obsession with saying I "secretly" want to do something, or that I "secretly" love something. This stems from watching the Miss America Pageant, something that I secretly love to watch.
5. I hardly ever run out of things to say. I really just constantly talk, my friends just pretend to listen to me. Maybe I just like the sound of my own voice.
6. I am going to be a elementary school teacher.
7. I think I am a little bit OCD. But not about normal things that bug people, about weird, obscure things that I don't even realize bother me, until I am faced with them.
8. I wish I could speak spanish. I took two years of the language, but I still don't know more than a few basic words.
9. Lately I have been sluffing more school than I have been going to. But it is okay, because my mom excuses me.
10.I am terribly bad at recognizing what movies quotes come from.
11. I have read the Harry Potter series at least 7 or 8 times each, and it is about time for another reading.
12. For the most part, I don't like people.

My answers to Cammie's questions:
1.If you could have a magical object from Harry Potter, besides a wand, what would it be?: Ronald Weasly, I love him, and he is a magical object, so obviously I would pick him.
2. What is your favorite ice cream topping?: I don't really like toppings on my ice cream, but right now, my favorite type of ice cream is cookies and cream, so I would probably go with oreos.
3. The bachelor, or bachelorette?: Definitely the bachelor, I find the bachelorette so slutty.
4.If you played on a quidditch team, what position would you be?: A beater probably. I want to aim bludgers at people I dislike. I think it would be cathartic.
5. Do you have any embarrassing obsessions?:  I don't think so. I mean, I am sure I do, but none that jump off the top of my head. I am totally obsessed with my grades, and I started to cry when I almost got an A-, so I guess that is kind of embarrassing.
6. What is your favorite meal: breakfast, lunch or dinner?: Breakfast. I just like breakfast food, plus I can actually cook those foods, so that is a plus.
7. What is it about your favorite pair of shoes?: Well lately my favorite shoes have been my hooker heels. Partly because I like saying hooker heels, but mostly because I like feeling tall. And plus they make my legs look good.
8. How often do you check the stats on your blog?: Honestly, way more than I should. Probably once every day or so. I like to see if there are any new countries that pop up.
9. What color/pattern is your bed spread?: Black and white, and sort of floralish, but not really. It is complicated to describe.
10. Who is your favorite friends character?: Probably Chandler, he is kind of nerdy and awkward, so I like him.
11. A few of your favorite smells.: If i were to take a whiff of amortencia, I would smell grass, the sidewalk after a rainstorm, new books, and the laundry detergent aisle.
12. What is the funniest embarrassing story you have ever heard?: I have a friend, lets call her Alexa H., no no no, A. Hodson. Well she pees her pants a lot, and one time she peed her pants a midst a group of all boys, on a long board. That one is pretty funny to me, plus, it is the only one I can really think of at the moment.

My questions:
1. What is your guilty pleasure show?
2. If you could pick any time period to live in, what would it be and why?
3. Describe your first major crush.
4. What is your favorite flavor of poptart?
5. What is your most irrational fear?
6. If you could only eat one food (or type of food) for the rest of your life, what would you pick.
7. Snog, date or dump: Voldemort, Wormtail and Lucius Malfoy?
8. What is your biggest pet peeve?
9. If you could be on any game show, past or present, which one would you choose?
10. What was your favorite book growing up.
11. What is something that you secretly want to do, or like to do?
12. What is your least favorite texture?

And there you have it.

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