Friday, December 2, 2011

Date Night

Typically on a Friday night you will find me in one of two places: at home, being lazy, or behing a cash registar at work.
Tonight was a bit different.
Tonight I had a date.
I was picked up from my house at six thirty. We went to Costa Vida and used our student I.D. cards to get the saturday special on a Friday night. Then we went to Macey's where we had a light saber fight. I bought one of those light sabers. Then we went back to my house and drew pictures of Yoda. I claimed credit for the better one. Then we went to a party of a person we barely knew. It was really awkward at first, but got slightly better. We texted each other the whole time at the party. After the appropriate amount of time had passed, we left to go watch the house with the dancing Christmas lights, but once we got there, the lights turned off for the night. So we drove around trying to find a house with pretty lights that we could look at. The whole time we were driving around we were singing Christmas songs very loudly, and very badly. Then we  found a good house. Some of the lights even blinked, so we were going to pretend they were dancing to the music. Then right after we pulled over to park, those lights turned off. So instead we went to a house by mine and sat out front listening to Christmas music. Then it was time for both of us to go home. So I was dropped of at 11:50.
You could say it was a good night, and you would be right.
Who needs boys when you have best friends like mine?

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