Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Winter's on the wing, it's a fine spring morn

It's becoming that time of year.
The time when the flowers bloom,
and rains fall from the sky.
It is the time for rainbows.
It is the time for smiles
and warmth.
It is the time that makes you want to be better
because everything is better in the spring.
It is the time of my favorite season,
it is the time that I always wish it could be.
It is the time that makes me want to find
a garden.
a secret garden.
It is the time for chalk drawing,
and bubble blowing.
It is a time for playing with friends,
and acting like children.
It is the best time of the year.


  1. hehdbe dsdids come the may say i.
    and you'll be here to see it.

  2. Stoop and feel it. Stop and hear it. Spring, i saaaayyyy
